Qualität von Rotwurzelsalbei - Salvia miltiorrhiza
Veröffentlicht am: 16. April 2019
Ka Yui Kum, ein Wissenschaftler der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Michael Heinrich der Biodiversity and Medicines UCL School of Pharmacy aus London, bearbeitet im Rahmen seiner Doktorarbeit im Labor der HFR seine aus China, Hongkong, Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland stammenden Rotwurzelsalbei-Proben. Im Zentrallabor werden diese nach einem Mikrowellenaufschluss am ICP (Inductively coupled plasma) auf deren Schwermetallgehalt hin untersucht.

Quality of Danshen – Salvia miltiorrhiza
An interdisciplinary approach of studying herbal medicines
Author: Ka Yui Kum, Michael Heinrich
Biodiversity and Medicines Research Cluster, UCL School of Pharmacy, London, U.K.
The processing of herbal materials has been based on traditions in most cases while the demand of herbal products has drastically increased leading to the challenge of quality. Danshen has been widely cultivated and is one of the most demanded traditional Chinese medicines. The demand keeps increasing due to promising clinical trials and increase in patients with vascular diseases. On the other hand, the marginal profit of Danshen is low because the market is highly competitive. According to China Food and Drug Administration announcements, in the random sampling tests of Shanghai, Hubei provinces from 2016 to 2017, nine batches of Danshen failed in SO2 residue, content determination, ash or water content.
This project aims to utilise metabolomics approach alongside value chain analysis to understand quality of Danshen and the interrelationship among its chemistry and pharmacology along with its value chain. This is the first study in quality of herbal medicine to use interdisciplinary approach coupled with NMR, ICP-OES, HPTLC, pharmacological assay and fieldwork together. The result suggests the processing of Danshen causes huge quality variation among market samples. The result also suggests the variation of chemical compositions in the market does make significant influence on the biological activity of Danshen.